Character and Leadership Development
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) in SHPS comprises National Education and Social Studies (NESS), Values in Action (VIA) and CCE programmes which aim to nurture Hildans to be discerning, empathetic, adaptable and resilient individuals.
Through National Education, we strive to develop in students a deeper understanding of Singapore’s constraints, vulnerabilities and contemporary realities. This is done through CCE programmes and lessons as well as integrated programmes in collaboration with other departments. NE commemorative events also feature activities such as food tasting, traditional games and crafts which also creates a shared and unique Singapore experience for the students.
The Social Studies curriculum employs the inquiry approach which promotes contextualised learning experiences in an authentic real-world setting. Students develop a sense of belonging to the community and the nation through field-based learning where multiple disciplines such as Mathematics, Science and Physical Education are incorporated.
All students are given opportunities to serve the school and community, both locally and globally. Values in Action (VIA) plays an important role to nurture responsible and empathetic citizens. Through different platforms and activities, students live out the values that they have learnt. These include the Buddy Programme, P3 Toy-Making cum Kinder-Hosting Programme, P4 Wholesome 4some Programme, P5 iCare Programme and P6 Project ASEAN.
To ensure that the values taught in the school curriculum are deepened, SHPS also adopts the Character First curriculum in daily morning devotions and weekly assemblies.
It is our priority as an Anglican school to nurture godly character in our students. The school values, Love Sincerely, Live Responsibly, Learn Continuously, Serve Humbly and Strive Resiliently, are further reinforced through the Catch Me Doing Right initiative where P1 and P2 students are incentivised for showing care through their actions in school as well as at home. This “Hildan ACT” platform encourages our pupils to engage in Actions that Care and Touch (“ACT”).
To inspire our students to think about their educational and career options and the skills, qualifications and dispositions required, Educational and Career Guidance (ECG) talks are organised where P6 students are provided information about viable education and career options. Tween Forum, a post-PSLE event is another platform where P6 students get information and advice from inspirational speakers and former Hildans to guide them in their transition to secondary school life.